Iran Visa Application Form Tourist

Iran Tourist Visa Application Form
Iran Visa Steps

Online Iran Tourist Visa Application Form 

1.Receiving the Authorization Code

After we receive your application form, the first page of your passport scan and Visa service fee , the formal application will be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will go under the official procedure. The output will be an authorization letter which will be faxed to the Iranian Consulate which you have indicated in the form. We will give you this letter’s reference code with which you will be able to collect your visa. This code is only valid to the mentioned consulate and only for 30 days from the date of issue and visa stamp is valid for 3 months.

2. Collecting the Visa from The Consulate

Having the reference code, you will refer to the consulate with your passport (which must be valid for the next 6 months), the completed visa application form (which can be picked from the consulate or be downloaded from their website), 2 new passport size photos (with covered hair for ladies, at some consulates), the visa stamp fee (which depends on your nationality) and the authorization reference code, (Always check the needed documents with the consulate, as there may be differences from one consulate to another.) 
Iran Visa stamp fee and Iran visa reference number fee are different. Iran Visa stamp fee depends on your country. Iran Visa reference number fee for tourist visa  is €29 and this process will take 4-10 work days (usually 5 days).
Si prega di compilare il modulo sottostante in modo che applichiamo per l'autorizzazione di visto Iran (invito) numero. Si prega di leggere la pagina dei visti l'Iran con attenzione prima che l'applicazione e fateci sapere se avete qualsiasi domanda.
Il passaporto deve essere valido per almeno sei mesi da quando si invia una richiesta, e ha bisogno di avere due o più pagine vuote. In caso contrario, l'applicazione può essere respinta.
Se siete da Stati Uniti d'America, Regno Unito o in Canada Si prega di non compilare questo modulo e di contattarci per ulteriori informazioni.
Se il modulo di domanda di visto non appare, è necessario ricaricare la pagina!
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